Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We dont fight fair .......

"Praise the lord" - really ..??????
Heard this thing too many times too many places. Before you make up you mind - no i am not athiest. I am pure thiest. But that is not the point of discussion i would like to bring up at this moment.

For those athiest who are reading - would you please atleast for the sake of the argument present here - take my word for it and believe there is this huge omnipresent power that controls all that is happening in the universe.

Now that all those reading agree that god is there. Does any one seriously think that the power that controls the whole universe wants to hear its own praise - considering that the power is beyond most of the human ken and that there is no doubt that there must be higher echelons of perception which the human brains cannot comprehend. In short - GOD IS NOT SO SELF INVOLVED TO GET HAPPY WHEN YOU SING ITS GLORY.

That is just a human tendency - to find pleasure in selfish motives.

This is one reason i never say - 'God is great'. Though i believe in it - but there is no means that i will please it by reminding it that. Flattery wont work on that power :P.

Am i against devotion - No again no - i fully accept that singing hymns - verses - shlokas - performing rituals is a great way for expression of devotion. What i am against is the thought that god will be happier (on me or in general) when i do those things.

The same goes to a lot of other things which we do in expectation to please that power. Ulteriorly so that it solves our problems ............... WONT WORK.

PS :- Used god as a neutral gender - couldnt make up he or she - nevertheless i believe it is beyond those distinctions.


  1. Consider this.. Suppose I call god an idiot.. Suppose I call him a lot worse.. Is it wrong to take offense? because with your argument, they are as pretentious as the people who praise the lord for selfish needs and hold me in contempt..

    What happens to our conscience if what we do or don't do will never please him, or displease him in any way as his forgiveness is that immense..

  2. @ Sunil....
    Wen i was young, I used to believe in dis only that godji will get happy if I will praise him and I will get watever I want. I am from a place where such things are still done and i grew up learning this and doing d same. But later I understood that things dont work dis way.. I have seen ppl doing pujas all the time and then getting involved in all non-ethical things thinking God will take care of things.

    @ DD..
    God dosent ask us to praise him, neither does he ask us to abuse him. it is out faith/believe whether we praise him or abuse him. you dont believe in him so y do u care abt his forgiveness. Y do u abuse him if for u he doesnt exist. U cannot just go out and start calling him all that. It might not be an offence for god cos he dosent care but it might be an offence for the ppl who believe in him.
    just like u cannot call rajkumar an idiot in karnataka, rajnikanth in tamil nadu in da same way u cannot call god anything in public.(plzz...I am not comparing GOD with rajkumar or rajini)
    DD yaar a lot has already been discussed abt dis.. hope u had read subbu's and posts on this.

  3. I am just asking if it makes sense the way people take offense when they admit my abuses wont hurt god's feelings; i'm definitely not trying to start an "god exists v/s god doesn't" debate..

    And i never said i don't believe in god either because i'm agnostic.. Weird thing is why you are horrified with me if god doesn't care who praises and who abuses him..

    It also means that if I turn bad with an intent of displeasing god, he's not going to mind.. which makes me loose conscience to do lots of dirty things in the world.. It's only a thought..

  4. @dory :
    If you say doing good under fear of bad things happening to you is conscience - then you are just a selfish businessperson. It just a good word called conscience in which you hide your fears.
    Only when you will do good because you want to - that time you will be near conscience.
    If ppl do good out of fear - then they are not doing anything better at all.
    Unfortunately this fear is what guides most of the philosiphies persistant today - sadly - its the worst way towards spiritual freedom. dont you think so...

  5. What you said's true..
    Fear of guilt primarily makes people hold themselves back from bad deeds.. Conscience is something different, and you cannot have it because you fear god..

    And people do a lot of good in that fear or to satisfy their egos..

    Even so if god adopts an "i don't care for your selfish praises/abuses" attitude, he's going to be idle in heaven because he wont find too many poeple who are good just because they want to be..

  6. @dory
    If humans were the only thing he was looking after - yes you are right.
