Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Peer Pressure

The joke was cracked and the whole group was laughing. Though it didnt reach to me as a joke so i refrained from joining. But there was this urge - a huge impelling force which wanted to laugh out with my friends around me. This was my first time realisation of peer pressure.

Had been through it so many times but did not realise the dynamics of what was happening. Most of the times i would join the crowd. Or even in abstinence have the urge to do that. But more often than not - i would be going into the - 'Not wanted by me' territory. And the only reason for me would be - 'Hey they are my friends all are there - i too should'. Fear of falling out maybe or of getting distanced away.

But having been so close with my friends for pretty long time now that fear was no longer there. We understood each other - and there was no scope of distancing. Without that fear now - and so was not laughing.

So earlier was that the 'fear', that used to join in with the group. Now that i know this - i understand a bit better how peer pressure works for me. And am ready to take a stand now.

The effect of me not joining in was - they all stopped midway - wondering and looking at me. Like i was an alien - but i differed in opinion. Then i was the 'joke' for a while. And it died down in a few minutes. Thats that.

Though this was just about the joke - it happends in so many other places. There are times we donot speak up because so as to not see the looks of the people's eyes. There are times we donot question (typical Indian tendency) wondering what the rest of the class will think. There are times we donot reach out - when it is not what our companions would have done. I guess its time for me to stop. Stop considering what 'THEY' will think and do what 'I' think is right.

Think --- Choose --- Decide --- Act.

PS :- Something inadvertently we involve into due to peer pressure - smoking, drinks, corruption, not questioning, change opinion (just to be in vogue), must be many others. But nothing beats being 'YOURSELF'.


  1. hw so true... very beautifully written friend!
    hits the nail on the head1'/

  2. this might inspire ,as it is similar to this blogpost.

