Monday, August 16, 2010

How to make a virtual environment..

After seeing the google's street view I wished to make a similiar thing for my own house. So that i can share with my friends and family the pictures of my new house in North Carolina State University in a different way. So i just came up with this way - i made some scripts using which you can easily generate the html pages.

To check out my first website go to :

If you too want to make this one just follow these steps :

1) First of all take the pics of the house in a systematic manner - so that for each view has a pic that corresponds to what you would see if you turn right - left - take a step in front and take a step back.

2) Download the following two scripts : -- --

3) For these scripts to run you will need perl : you can download it from

4) Install perl : its just a matter of double clicking and following the steps.

5) After downloading the scripts : type in your dos command prompt [which you can get by pressing windows-R and run 'cmd' in it]

Enter the name of the first pic : put the name of the starting point of your virtualization. Please put the first pics name as home and also rename the first pic to home.jpg

This is the name of the pic without the .jpg extension.
Continue answering the questions that follow and it will help you generate an html file with the name pic_layout.csv.

6) Then run the other script : perl

While entering the paths - please enter the full paths for the directories to the locations where your pics are and the place where you want to store the generated html files.

When asked for the csv file enter the pic_layout [this was the file generated by]

7) All your html files are ready - just click any of the html files generated and you are good to go :).

I will write about hosting it online later. Because it is a lot of thing for the same post. :)
Please shoot me with any questions you have :) i will be glad to give you answers if that helps you get your environment virtualized. :)

These can be used for showing ways to people to reach your place - or it can be used to show your workplace to friends or colleges to friends.

Resources: -- for tutorials into html and perl
perl -
imagination - native to me and to you too

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